Start a Fund
Williamsburg Community Foundation can help you create your own named fund to support the causes you care about most. This can include support for a broad array of community programs, to more specific fields of interest, or giving to a particular organization.
There are many options for giving, including stock, life insurance, IRA distributions, real estate, and bequests. We can work with you and your professional advisor to determine the best choice for your needs.
For more information on starting a fund, please contact President & Chief Executive Officer Nancy Sullivan at 757-259-1660 or [email protected].
Give to a Fund
If you choose, you can make a gift to an established fund at the Williamsburg Community Foundation. Gifts of any size are combined with others to make the maximum impact. When you donate to an endowment fund at WCF, the fund is carefully invested, and the earnings are used annually to address specific local causes and issues through a competitive grantmaking process.
If you are passionate about a certain cause such as the Arts or Children and Youth, you can support an Area Endowment Fund, which will make grants locally to support those particular interests.
To make a gift today, please visit our Donate Now page.

In order to advance its vision for a more vibrant Williamsburg, the Williamsburg Community Foundation has created six new funds within the Community Endowment that will give donors the flexibility to endow those areas that interest them most:
Donor Stories

Honoring the Life of John Walker
When Art Walker’s brother, John, passed away unexpectedly in 2014, Art worked through WCF to create the John D. Walker Memorial Endowment Fund. The Fund provides annual disbursements to Dream Catchers (which Art helped found in 1992) to support staff training …more

Jenny E. Wible Fund
A cashiers’ supervisor in Colonial Williamsburg for over twenty years, Jenny Wible worked hard, cared deeply for her family, her pets, her flowers and her faith. She lived a fairly ordinary life; but upon her passing this year at age 94, Jenny did something extraordinary for her community. Her estate gift of $3 million – the largest gift in the Foundation’s history – created The Jenny E. Wible Fund at the Williamsburg Community Foundation to support three organizations that reflect her deeply held values: Walsingham Academy, St. Bede Catholic Church, and the Salvation Army of Williamsburg…..more