97 Scholarships Awarded

June 2, 2024, Williamsburg, VAWilliamsburg Community Foundation awarded 97 scholarships today to students from area high schools through the Williamsburg-James City County Scholarship Fund. Established in 1974 as the Lafayette Education Fund, this is the 50th year that these community scholarships have been awarded.

These awards are made possible by generous support from local individuals, families, civic groups and businesses. While most of the scholarship donations are raised annually, some scholarships come from endowed funds. The volunteer WJCC Scholarship Committee, chaired by Lisa McDonald Lucas, works throughout the year on fundraising, outreach and selecting student recipients.

With a total of $186,608 in scholarships, 2024 marks the highest amount ever awarded by the scholarship fund, and the largest number of scholarships awarded. The community has shown incredible and increasing support for local students in recent years. In fact, in the last five years alone, the total award amount has doubled in size.

At the Scholarship Award Ceremony, committee member Kim Hundley commended students for their work: “You have shown such incredible tenacity over these past few years. You started high school in the fall of 2020! Even during a pandemic, you worked hard to keep your grades up (sometimes while working a part-time job), to re-connect with each other by building new clubs at your schools and serving your communities through volunteer work, and you excelled on both the athletic fields and on the stage.”

Scholarships range from $1,500 to $5,100 and were awarded for a variety of criteria such as academics, athletics, performing arts, interest in particular career fields or areas of study, and civic and community engagement. Nearly two-thirds of scholarships have some sort of financial need criteria. This year, 12 first-generation college students were awarded scholarships.

Nearly 400 people attended the Scholarship Award Ceremony held at Lafayette High School. The majority of student recipients are from Jamestown, Lafayette, and Warhill High Schools. Two students from Walsingham Academy also received awards this year, as a few scholarships are open to that school. The ceremony was generously sponsored by 1st Advantage Federal Credit Union.

The following students received awards:

Named ScholarshipFirst NameLast NameHigh School
Frank Davis Memorial ScholarshipSoraidaAcostaWarhill
League of Women Voters of the Williamsburg Area ScholarshipMaesynAlbertJamestown
Charles H. Koch, Jr. Memorial ScholarshipCalebAmmonsJamestown
Paula Kirtland Memorial ScholarshipCooperBaileyWalsingham
Jamestown High School PTSA ScholarshipClaireBauerJamestown
Michael S. Herman Memorial ScholarshipClaireBennettWarhill
Lafayette High School PTSA ScholarshipAbigailBollingerLafayette
JBH ScholarshipClarkeCanovaLafayette
Allison A. Sheppard Memorial ScholarshipFavianaCarrera VanegasJamestown
Goggin/Boykin Family ScholarshipGloria EsperanzaCastro WinterJamestown
William J. Lennarz Endowed Science ScholarshipDmytroCherniavskyiJamestown
Stockmeyer Family ScholarshipRyanChicirdaLafayette
Tom & TJ Cardwell Scholarship in Memory of Jill S. Cardwell & In Honor of Our GrandchildrenEverettCimonJamestown
Lawrence Weintraub, Esq. Memorial ScholarshipJuliaClarkJamestown
George “Mickey” Brooks Memorial ScholarshipKatherineColburnJamestown
Warhill High School PTSA ScholarshipSarahCookWarhill
Geoffrey H. Boerner Memorial ScholarshipJadynCookWarhill
Lauren R. Sullivan Memorial ScholarshipElinCriddleJamestown
John O’Hare Memorial ScholarshipAnna KarenCummingsJamestown
Shirley B. Brooks ScholarshipElCurtis-ZiliusWarhill
Nick Paszkiewicz (Class of 2008) Memorial ScholarshipKennethDacierWarhill
AP Calculus Scholarship in Honor of Merle PowellAllisonDambrauskasJamestown
Register-Sharp Citizen Scholar AwardAudreyDavisLafayette
George “Mickey” Brooks Memorial ScholarshipLilyDavisJamestown
Jean Brown Fisk Memorial ScholarshipAlyssaDealJamestown
Williamsburg Community Foundation ScholarsJosephDeLaneyWarhill
Community Service ScholarshipKatherineDeVoreJamestown
Andrea Sartain Memorial ScholarshipTimofeyDyakovWarhill
Cynthia Willer Frezek Nursing ScholarshipAleesaEasonJamestown
Ray Freed Memorial ScholarshipSarahEvansJamestown
Sutton Family ScholarshipTylajahEvansWarhill
Eloise B. Agee Memorial ScholarshipBaileyFairheartJamestown
Joann Bierenbaum Memorial ScholarshipSamuelForresterJamestown
Virnell Ann Bruce ScholarshipKathrynForresterJamestown
Marjorie C. Joseph Memorial ScholarshipWilliamFullerJamestown
Bette Williams Birthday Club ScholarshipAbigailGalliLafayette
Margaret Karene O’Hare Memorial ScholarshipMadisonGeorgeLafayette
Janet Rose Fuchs Memorial ScholarshipNinaGokitaLafayette
George “Mickey” Brooks Memorial ScholarshipAbigailGrayWarhill
Henry S. Branscome, Sr. Memorial ScholarshipEllenGuldenWarhill
Performing Arts ScholarshipLindsayHanksLafayette
Bruce K. and Joan H. Goodwin Memorial ScholarshipZacharyHassanLafayette
Clifford Brian Gillman Memorial ScholarshipHopeHollandJamestown
TowneBank ScholarshipEthanHoskinsWarhill
Guzman/Glassman Family ScholarshipJasmineJacobo GarciaJamestown
Larry Dowdy Memorial ScholarshipElijahJohnsonLafayette
TowneBank ScholarshipAnnJojoLafayette
Coach Melvin Jones ScholarshipPatriciaKhisaWarhill
Charles H. Koch, Jr. Memorial ScholarshipAlexisKingLafayette
Janet Rose Fuchs Memorial ScholarshipNivedithaKodothLafayette
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation ScholarshipKaylaLaneWarhill
George “Mickey” Brooks Memorial ScholarshipTrentonLeachLafayette
Perry ScholarshipBradenLeeLafayette
Williamsburg Community Foundation ScholarsKevinLishWarhill
Frank Davis Memorial ScholarshipChelseaLobusWarhill
Jane L. and Robert B. Taylor ScholarshipKaitlinLuberusJamestown
Mike & Amy Watson Workforce Credentials ScholarshipJesusMarineroJamestown
Williamsburg Community Foundation ScholarsJoshuaMarkleWarhill
Register-Sharp Citizen Scholar AwardJoshuaMartinWarhill
Riverside Doctors’ Hospital Williamsburg ScholarshipRainiMayoJamestown
Lennarz Family ScholarshipBryceMcHoseWalsingham
Williamsburg Community Foundation ScholarsEvanMillerWarhill
Debbie Todd Memorial ScholarshipElizaMooreLafayette
George “Mickey” Brooks Memorial ScholarshipMadisonMudahyLafayette
League of Women Voters of the Williamsburg Area ScholarshipHannahNeffWarhill
MeghuNamu ScholarshipCalebNevinsLafayette
Williamsburg Community Foundation ScholarsHaydenOleksyLafayette
Shirley B. Brooks ScholarshipMiaOrtegaLafayette
Ann and James Yankovich Memorial ScholarshipKatelynPetersenLafayette
Shirley B. Brooks ScholarshipHannahPetersonWarhill
Shirley B. Brooks ScholarshipBrandonPortillo AponteLafayette
Perry ScholarshipAndrewPowellJamestown
Kathleen O’Hare Doster Memorial ScholarshipQuinnPritchardJamestown
League of Women Voters of the Williamsburg Area ScholarshipEmilyReynoldsLafayette
Chesapeake Bank ScholarshipSethRichardsonWarhill
Perry ScholarshipMayaRubinLafayette
Fannye Scruggs Rorer, RN Nursing ScholarshipCourtlynRuchJamestown
Williamsburg Community Foundation ScholarsCampbellRuddersJamestown
Perry ScholarshipAndrewSaundersJamestown
Swain Scholarship–Basketball-High Scholastic AchievementDanielSchmidtJamestown
Michael S. Herman Memorial ScholarshipDavidSchnieppLafayette
Legacy Financial Group ScholarshipMichelleSchroederWarhill
Shirley B. Brooks ScholarshipJakeSchumacherJamestown
Julia Everts & Mark Greenawalt ScholarshipAlexandraScottWarhill
Charles H. Koch, Jr. Memorial ScholarshipGabrielScottWarhill
Dan Stimson Memorial ScholarshipJoshuaSimsLafayette
George “Mickey” Brooks Memorial ScholarshipJoshwaSkinnerWarhill
John Tregilgas Memorial ScholarshipIsaacStamperJamestown
TowneBank ScholarshipConnorSwansonJamestown
Mary & Hunt Berryman ScholarshipAida GraceTanglao-AguasJamestown
Blanche Koch Brooks Memorial ScholarshipMiaThorntonJamestown
Kiwanis Club of Colonial Capital ScholarshipSamuelTigheJamestown
Shirley B. Brooks ScholarshipAmyTompkinsJamestown
Williamsburg Community Foundation ScholarsJosephWanWarhill
Trevor Times Memorial ScholarshipAidanWilliamsJamestown
Swain Scholarship–EngineeringElizabethWoodJamestown
Friends of Green Spring ScholarshipSarahYatzeckJamestown

Read a full description of each scholarship.

Established in 1999, Williamsburg Community Foundation enhances the quality of life in greater Williamsburg by connecting people who care with causes that matter, managing charitable funds, and providing grants and scholarships for our community’s most pressing needs and promising opportunities. WCF has a vision of a vibrant community with a commitment to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Please contact the Foundation offices for information on scholarships and grants, or how you can get more involved: 757-259-1660, or [email protected].