Paper badges, like the one shown in this picture, will be replaced by laminated Photo IDs with funds provided by the Community Endowment.
Williamsburg Area Faith in Action (WFIA) is a unique program that matches volunteers with seniors and adults with a chronic illness or physical disability, like “Peter”, who are striving to maintain independence in their own homes. Peter is an energetic 91 year old. When his doctor stopped him from driving, he called WFIA for help with medical transportation. WFIA volunteers drive him to his medical appointments, both in town and in Richmond. Peter also enjoys an occasional trip into Williamsburg so he can attend a movie at the Williamsburg Regional Library and walk around Colonial Williamsburg. Peter says, “It feels so good to have some independence and be able to get into town during the week while my family is at work!”
WFIA volunteers provide help with Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) such as transportation, grocery shopping, yard work, respite care for primary caregivers, visiting companions to those who are homebound due to illness or disability, and assistance with household chores and meal preparation.