The Foundation is involved in various facets of the greater Williamsburg Community. We have included selected links that we think might be of interest to you.
Williamsburg Area Nonprofit Listserv — To join, select the Nonprofit Management
tab and then the Nonprofits-I Email List
Greater Williamsburg Chamber of Commerce — Advocates, collaborates, and creates an environment in which businesses can grow and succeed in Greater Williamsburg.
Williamsburg Health Foundation — provides grants to local nonprofit agencies in the health field and human services field.
United Way of the Virginia Peninsula — provides assistance to member agencies in greater Williamsburg.
Candid (formerly known as GuideStar), with an office in Williamsburg, provides information on nonprofit organizations across the country. If you would like to find our listing, type “Greater Williamsburg Community Trust” (our legal name) in to the search field.
Council on Foundations –The Foundation is a member of the Council on Foundations and has committed to National Standards for Community Foundations developed by the Council.
NetworkPeninsula — provides a listing of volunteer opportunities for all ages and skill sets, a listing of items needed by area nonprofits, and a community calendar with upcoming events of area nonprofits.
Williamsburg-James City County Schools Foundation — the WJCC Schools Foundation was created to unite residents, businesses and educational leaders to support a shared vision of educational excellence and achievement.