Pictured above are volunteers from Bruton Parish Church.
Community of Faith Mission (COFM) provides emergency shelter to area residents during the coldest months of the year. These residents are normally sheltered at 18 different host sites over a period of 18 weeks. “Williamsburg Community Foundation has been a tremendous asset for Community of Faith Mission” said Donnie McDaniel, Executive Director of COFM. “Along with grant awards for supplies, WCF’s grant award was also instrumental in allowing COFM to provide our full 18 weeks of shelter by providing medical screening personnel and hotel stays while our traditional church sites were still unable to partner with us due to the pandemic.”
“COFM is truly grateful for the generosity of Williamsburg Community Foundation.” said Donnie. These hotel stays allowed the guests to experience hospitality and security while COFM helped them determine the next step toward moving away from homelessness. COFM welcomes anyone who finds themselves without shelter and serves men, women and children ranging in age from 1-77 years old. In addition to shelter and food, COFM provides toiletries, personal hygiene items, and brings in outside agencies to assist guests in a variety of ways such as finding job training and affordable housing.